Jalaja Bonheim on the Christine Upchurch Show

An inspiring hour-long interview on feminine healing and empowerment. Listen now! (Interview begins at 4 minutes)
Interview on Energy Awareness Radio with host T Love

Interview with Jalaja Bonheim, PhD, author of The Magic of Circlework, on Energy Awareness Radio with host T Love. Jalaja explains how Circlework heals and empowers women, transforming their lives beyond the actual circle experience.
Out of the Fog Radio: Interview with Karen Hager

If you are passionate about healing, peace, and spiritual awakening, Circlework is a practice you should know about. Jalaja Bonheim joins Karen to talk about this international movement of women gathering in circles to heal and empower themselves. Listen now!
Simran Singh 11:11 MEDIA Interview Sept. 14, 2015

The feminine is key to our personal and collective healing. The ego is sacred. It is essentially a positive force. However, it has been conditioned by trial force. Circlework is a new paradigm in conscious healing, especially for women for the empowerment of a new world. Jalaja Bonheim is this weeks guest on 11:11 TalkRadio […]
Spirituality and Health Pod Cast

Your host Rabbi Rami talks to circle work facilitator Jalaja Bonheim about her new book Sacred Ego: Making Peace with Ourselves and Our World. An interview with Bonheim can be found in the September/October 2015 issue of Spirituality & Health magazine. Listen to the podcast!
Conscious Talk Radio

Author of The Sacred Ego: Making Peace with Ourselves and Our World helps us understand the ego’s true role and explains the power of coming together in healing circles. Listen on Conscioustalk.net
Goddess Alive Radio Hosted by Kimberly F. Moore

Interview and Full Moon Meditation with Dr. Jalaja Bonheim – Priestess, Founder of the Institute for Circlework, & Author. Jalaja’s new book coming July 2015: The Sacred Ego: Making Peace with Ourselves and Our World (Sacred Activism Series) Listen to Goddess Alive Radio!
Dr. Pat Baccili on KKNW AM1150 Seattle
Feeding the Famished Soul: Why it’s Key to Healing Ourselves and Our Planet with Jalaja Bonheim Listen Now!
The Power of Circlework
Circle Connections interviews Jalaja Bonheim, Ph.D. about Circlework and its role in healing ourselves and our communities. March 1, 2010. Listen Now!
How Women’s Sexuality and Spirituality Are Connected
A potent conversation with Circle Connections about the relationship between women’s sexuality and spirituality. Apr 12, 2010. Listen Now!