Circlework: Empowering Women Around the World, Jan 2016

For over thirty years, I’ve been leading circle gatherings for women from all corners of the world—India and Afghanistan, Kenya and Australia, Europe, North and South America. The method I teach, Circlework®, is both a spiritual practice and a peace practice. It creates safe, sacred spaces where women connect deeply and authentically, find their voice […]
Awareness Magazine, “Meeting the Women of Palestine”
Invisible and oppressed − that’s our stereotype image of Arab women. But here I am, leading a retreat in the West Bank for forty Palestinian women who seem every bit as powerful as any of my Western sisters. Most are Muslim, a few are Christian, and the four of us who have come from the […]
New Consciousness Review Magazine Fall Edition 2015, Excerpt & Feature
Excerpt from The Sacret Ego: Making Peace with Ourselves and Our World “Profession?” demands the application form that will, I hope, lead the renewal of my Green Card. I hesitate. I could say that I’m a Circlework leader, but who has ever heard of such a thing? I call my friend Margot. “What should I say?” […]
Sacred Beings and Peace-Makers: An Interview with Jalaja Bonheim

Jalaja Bonheim agreed to answer a few questions for us about the Circlework she does, her childhood as a Jewish German, her work with Palestinian and Jewish women, and her upcoming book The Sacred Ego. We’re delighted to be publishing Jalaja’s book on July 28 and hope you enjoy getting to know more of her story here. NAB: You’re German […]
A Global Walk- Interview with Jalaja Bonheim by Ashley Fincham

Jalaja Bonheim is one of those transformative writers, the kind where everything she writes is eaten up like honey. When reading Aphrodite’s Daughter for the first time it felt as if I was reading the answers to all the questions I had been asking… all the questions that made me feel as if I was […]
From Hope Beneath Our Feet: Restoring Our Place in the Natural World

“How shall we live in these times? How shall we respond to the awareness of what is happening in our world? Perhaps the first step is to acknowledge honestly: we don’t know. We may have our guidelines, our intentions, our beliefs about what is helpful and what is not. But do any of us see […]
Creating Community, The Ithaca Times interviews Jalaja Bonheim about her work with women in the Middle East
A circle can be a formation of people where everyone around the rim may easily see and hear everyone else. Like King Arthur’s legendary Round Table, where everyone met as equals, Jalaja Bonheim brings together groups in circles to create community, promote healing, peace and global perspective… Read the full article
Deepak Chopra interviews Jalaja Bonheim, Ph.D.

How does spirituality relate to ecstasy? In Sanskrit, the language of ancient India, one of God’s names is ananda, which means ecstasy. These people understood that what we call God or Spirit is the true source of ecstasy. They also knew that this source isn’t external. It’s our own core, our own essential self. In […]
The Yoginis of Ancient India, Fit Yoga

The attendants of warrior goddess Durga helped her conquer the ever-multiplyingdemons… and today they have a message for women everywhere. By Jalaja Bonheim The day I stepped into India’s heat, colors, sounds and smells, I instantly felt a sense of profound homecoming. It was 1981 and even though I had come to learn classical Indian […]
The Hunger for Ecstasy, New Age Journal

Sacred sexuality honors pleasures as a gift from God. Sitting with my friend Roseanne in the darkening twilight, I ask her a question I’ve been asking many people lately: “What does sacred sexuality mean to you?” Roseanne hesitates, searching for the right words. “It’s not something you can force, but once in a while, you […]