Circlework: The Practice Women Around the World Are Using to Heal and Empower Themselves

How to Connect to the Healing Power of the Sisterhood, Care2 Blog, Feb 2018

Do you often feel isolated, invisible and unheard? If so, you’re not alone. Forty percent of Americans report feeling lonely. And, according to Vivek Murthy, the former U.S. Surgeon General, loneliness isn’t just emotionally painful—it’s a health epidemic that poses a greater threat than obesity or smoking. Isolation is not only bad for our health, it’s also disempowering—especially […]
Blogcritics interview with Jalaja Bonheim on ‘The Magic of Circlework, Feb 2018

I had the chance to interview Jalaja Bonheim, one of the world’s foremost experts in the use of circle gatherings and author of The Magic of Circlework: The Practice Women from Around the World Are Using to Heal and Empower Themselves, which I reviewed on this site. Diverse groups of people are flocking to Circlework for […]
Spirituality & Health Magazine interviews Jalaja Bonheim, Oct 2017

Question 1. What happens in a circle gathering, like the one you facilitated between Palestinian and Jewish women? In my circles, we cocreate and extremely potent field of love that changes how we perceive ourselves and others- I call it “Seeing with sacred eyes.” We’re still Jews or Palestinians, Christians or Muslims, but more fundamentally, we’re […]
Dance Into Action: Movement as Spiritual Currency

Dancers around the world are giving the gift of dance, offering inspiring ideas to help us get involved in our communities. Working with underserved populations like prison inmates, low-income women, and the elderly, these movement devotees present opportunity to share movement and artistic expression for the greater good. Simultaneously giving and receiving, dancers create a […]
Sacred Beings and Peace-Makers: An Interview with Jalaja Bonheim

Jalaja Bonheim agreed to answer a few questions for us about the Circlework she does, her childhood as a Jewish German, her work with Palestinian and Jewish women, and her upcoming book The Sacred Ego. We’re delighted to be publishing Jalaja’s book on July 28 and hope you enjoy getting to know more of her story here. NAB: You’re German […]
The Sacred Feminine, In All Her Magnificence

Invisible and oppressed- that’s our stereotype image of Arab women. But here I am, leading a retreat in the West Bank for forty Palestinian women who seem every bit as powerful as any of my Western sisters. Most are Muslim, a few are Christian, and the four of us who have come from the US […]
The Ultimate Miracle Worker

How shall we live in these times? How shall we respond to the awareness of what is happening in our world? Perhaps the first step is to acknowledge honestly: we don’t know. We may have our guidelines, our intentions, our beliefs about what is helpful and what is not. But do any of us see […]
Patheos, “4 Keys to Engage in Meaningful Political Dialogue”

Most of us prefer to hang out with people who share our political views. This is only natural—as they say, birds of a feather flock together. Yet our habit becomes problematic when instead of approaching the “others” as friends who happen to see things differently, we start treating them as enemies. Sadly, in our country, […]
Circles Work: Transforming Our Collective Consciousness
“What you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.” -Krishnamurti One of the many reasons I love Circlework is that it’s a powerful and effective tool for transforming our collective consciousness which, as one glance at the current election will prove, is currently in bad shape. It’s no […]