
Deepak Chopra interviews Jalaja Bonheim, Ph.D.

How does spirituality relate to ecstasy? In Sanskrit, the language of ancient India, one of God’s names is ananda, which means ecstasy. These people understood that what we call God or Spirit is the true source of ecstasy. They also knew that this source isn’t external. It’s our own core, our own essential self. In […]

The Yoginis of Ancient India, Fit Yoga

Women dancing ceremoniously

The attendants of warrior goddess Durga helped her conquer the ever-multiplyingdemons… and today they have a message for women everywhere. By Jalaja Bonheim The day I stepped into India’s heat, colors, sounds and smells, I instantly felt a sense of profound homecoming. It was 1981 and even though I had come to learn classical Indian […]

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